JANET LAURENCE is one of the earliest and most significant ecological artists in Australia. With one of the most verdant careers in the nation’s art history, chlorophyll flows through the veins of Laurence’s work. Spanning photography, sculpture, video, and installation, she makes art that is alive to the vulnerability of nature. Addressing each of us as members of the human species, Laurence’s message carries urgency that few can resist, coupled with the exquisite beauty of her creations.

The blue of time, from the Glacial Glasshouse series, 2023
100 x 223 x 10 cm
Exhibition History
ARC ONE Gallery, Once Were Forests, March - April, 2023.

Glacial Glasshouse, from the series Once Were Forests, 2023-2025
Duraclear on shinkalite acrylic, oil pigment
100 x 258 x 10 cm
ARC ONE Gallery, The Fleeting Self, February - March 2025.

Fall, from the series Once Were Forests, 2023-2025
Duraclear on shinkalite acrylic, oil pigment
100 x 260 x 10 cm
ARC ONE Gallery,The Fleeting Self, Feb - Mar, 2025.

Ice Remembers ash, from the Glacial Glasshouse series
Duraclear on shinkalite acrylic, oil pigment, blackwood
100 x 223 x 10 cm
ARC ONE Gallery, Once Were Forests, March - April, 2023.

Sacred Green, from the series Chlorophyll Collapse, 2018, Diabond mirror, dye sublimation archival print onto Chromaluxe aluminium and C type silver halide print on clear polyester and oil glaze on acrylic, 100 x 370 x 7 cm
ARC ONE Gallery, What Colour is the Sacred?, March - April, 2018.

Requiem, 2020, Know My Name installation view, National Gallery of Australia, 2020.
![Requiem [detail], 2020, Know My Name installation view, National Gallery of Australia, 2020.](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/54012345e4b0f72d40b6c44e/1625894098287-56LWZ42VV6B85218FBHK/Laurence_Requiem_installation+view_Know+My+Name_NGA_2020_ARC+ONE_b.jpg)
Requiem [detail], 2020, Know My Name installation view, National Gallery of Australia, 2020.

Forest (Theatre of Trees), 2018–19, installation view, Janet Laurence: After Nature, Museum of Contemporary Art Australia, Sydney, 2019.

Deep Breathing-Resuscitation for the Reef, 2015-16, Janet Laurence: After Nature installation view, Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney, 2019.

Deep Breathing-Resuscitation for the Reef, 2015-16, Janet Laurence: After Nature installation view, Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney, 2019.

Matter of the Masters, 2017, installation view Art, Gallery of New South Wales, 2017.

In memory of nature, 2012, acrylic, scientific glass, dried plants, seeds, sulphur, salt, amethyst, taxidermied owls, shellac, tulle, wood, burnt bones, hand-blown glass, oil paint, mirrors, 180 x 160 x 350cm. Art Gallery of NSW, Sydney, Australia.

Heart Shock, 2008, Lemon-scented Eucalypt, silicon tubing, glass vials, pigmented fluids, Adelaide Biennial of Australian Art: Handle with Care, Art Gallery of South Australia,700 x 500 cm

Moving Plants, 2017, acrylic, scientific glass, plastic tubes, 3d prints, duraclear, dried plants, seeds, tulle, wood, mirrors
![Moving Plants [detail], 2017, acrylic, scientific glass, plastic tubes, 3d prints, duraclear, dried plants, seeds, tulle, wood, mirrors](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/54012345e4b0f72d40b6c44e/1625893146794-LN7UHMVL8WZE33ELA7BS/unnamed.jpeg)
Moving Plants [detail], 2017, acrylic, scientific glass, plastic tubes, 3d prints, duraclear, dried plants, seeds, tulle, wood, mirrors

Australian War Memorial, London, Hyde Park Corner, 2003. Engraved granit, bronze

![Requiem [detail], 2020, Know My Name installation view, National Gallery of Australia, 2020.](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/54012345e4b0f72d40b6c44e/1625894098287-56LWZ42VV6B85218FBHK/Laurence_Requiem_installation+view_Know+My+Name_NGA_2020_ARC+ONE_b.jpg)

![Moving Plants [detail], 2017, acrylic, scientific glass, plastic tubes, 3d prints, duraclear, dried plants, seeds, tulle, wood, mirrors](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/54012345e4b0f72d40b6c44e/1625893146794-LN7UHMVL8WZE33ELA7BS/unnamed.jpeg)