Take an educational lunch break today at 1pm to hear CHARLES GREEN give a one-hour lecture on the subject Afterstorm: postnational story-telling and Australia’s wars.
Charles Green is Professor of Contemporary Art at the University of Melbourne in the Art History department. He will speak today about the distinction between War Art and war art: War Art, which emerged during World War 1, is art officially commissioned to commemorate a nation’s experience of war, often nationalist and self-congratulatory but also often soul-searching, for better or worse. This is a sub-set of the vaster field of war art. Made across the globe, it takes the experience of war as its subject, mostly not commissioned and often scathing about the artists’ own nations, sometimes with humanitarian intentions.
And so the argument that war art, not War Art, really requires transnational — or postnational — story-telling.
This event is hosted by the Australian Centre at University of Melbourne and will take place via Zoom.
More info and registration HERE.
Lyndell Brown & Charles Green, Turkey’, 2018, watercolour on rag paper, 81 x 97 cm (framed)