EUGENIA RASKOPOULOS, JULIE RRAP and ANNE ZAHALKA have been included in the important exhibition Dark Rooms: Women Directing the Lens 1978–98 at Griffith University Art Museum.
Griffith University Art Museum says: "Against the backdrop of the feminist movement and activism in arts and politics, many women artists during this period made work that refused the male gaze. Acutely aware of the ways in which the lens could empower or reduce the subject, they put themselves, friends, and family in the picture, and in doing so, changed the cultural landscape of Australia. Photomedia became an important way for artists to confront racism and the objectification of peoples; disrupt and subvert sexually violent imagery; and forge a renewed interest in psychoanalytic theory."
The exhibition opens 14 July from 2pm at the Griffith University Art Museum, Brisbane.
The exhibition runs until 25 August.
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Eugenia Raskopolous, Untitled No 3, 1998, Ilfachrome photograph, 77 x 99 cm.
Julie Rrap, Persona and Shadow: Madonna, 1984, cibachrome print, 194 x 105cm.
Anne Zahalka, The Artist (Self-Portrait), Berlin, 1987, cibachrome photograph, 80 x80cm.