Featuring in The Art Gallery of Ballarat’s current exhibition ‘Beating About The Bush’ Anne Zahalka is spotlighted in the November/December issue of Art Guide Australia.
“A major inspiration for the show was Zahalka’s 1985 exhibition The Landscape Revisited. As Tegart explains, ‘Zahalka chose to recast characters within the landscape to offer a more inclusive and compassionate portrayal of the people—migrants, First Nations, women, people of non-Christian faiths—missing from Australian Impressionist narratives . . . Her work is as much a comment on society and the art world as it is about the painters themselves.’ Such comments abound in Beating about the Bush.”
View the article in-print on page 54 or online
The exhibition continues until February 19, 2023
Anne Zahalka, The Immigrants, 1983, Collage on found images.