Lyndell Brown & Charles Green, Portrait of Wukun Wanambi, 2021, oil on linen, 100 x 100cm
Congratulations to LYNDELL BROWN and CHARLES GREEN who are finalists in the 2021 Doug Moran National Portrait Prize with their portrait of Yirrkala elder and artist Wukun Wanambi.
’This portrait is of one of the most remarkable men we have ever met. In mid-2019 we travelled to Buku-Larrnggay Mulka, the Yolngu art centre at Yirrkala at the top of Australia’s Top End. Yirrkala is a small community, no more than a village, which serves as a hub for some 25 clan outstations of extended families or clans. As a living tradition, Yolngu culture has not turned its back on the incursions of the outside world but engaged with them. This is especially evident in Buku-Larrnggay Mulka, which is the vibrant art centre there, the nerve centre of the remarkable Yolngu campaign to impress their worldview upon the artworld in Australia and internationally. Taking its name from its location looking eastwards out over the ocean, Buku-Larrnggay means the feeling of the first rays of the sun on your face. Mulka means a sacred public ceremony that holds and protects knowledge. Our host—we were part of a 20-person conference of artists and academics that Charles had helped organise — was the well-travelled, charismatic Yolngu senior Elder and immensely distinguished artist Wukun Wanambi. An enthusiastic participant in our discussions throughout the week we spent there, he was keen to show us Yirrkala and introduce us to other Yolngu artists; he made us feel honoured guests despite his heavy cultural obligations and his own frail health. The portrait is a tribute to a remarkable man who impressed himself deeply upon us in our conversations with him and to whom we felt deeply grateful. While we were there we took a large number of photographs and made sketches from memory, including of Wukun. Afterward we sifted through all our memories and gradually abstracted from them the idea for this painting. When we realised the Moran Portrait Prize was to be held, it seemed to all instantly fit together, that we should show this image of a great Australian.’
– Lyndell Brown and Charles Green
The winner announced on 30 November. For more information, visit here >