PAT BRASSINGTON’s work has been written on as part of Queer Readings of the Monash University Collection. For this project, a group of writers and artists have been invited to contextualise a selection of works of art through the lenses of their experience and knowledge.
Commissioned writer Anne Marsh says of Pat Brassinton’s work:
‘Formally, the work critiques the modernist grid by monumentalising the everyday and punctuating it with fetishist and abject references made-up in the viewer’s mind as they contemplate the soft material abstractions made out of discarded underwear. In this way Brassington gives the work its own potential intelligence. It is as if the viewer needs to have a visual conversation with the image in order to decode it.’
Anne Marsh is a Professional Research Fellow in the Victorian College of the Arts at the University of Melbourne.
Pat Brassington, Rising Damp, 1995, gelatin silver prints, 35 parts, each 59 x 44 cm