We're thrilled to announce that Maitland Regional Art Gallery has acquired Dani Marti's ethereal 'Nude (after Teresa)' (2022).
This glamorous, room-spanning suspended sculpture was a highlight of Marti's exhibition Oh Canola!, a showcase of the artist's large-scale sensual abstraction held at Maitland in 2022.
DANI MARTI features in Beyond Textiles exhibition at the RACV City Club
Dani Marti is featured in a new exhibition that celebrates textiles as material, subject and process. Marti's work in Beyond Textiles at the RACV City Club Gallery blurs the boundaries between sculpture and textiles.
Marti's work is included alongside Tia Ansell, Tim Gresham, Rubaba Haider, and Casey Jeffery.
Please note, access to the exhibition is by appointment only – please email art@racv.com.au to arrange a viewing.
BCN'97, 2023
polyester, polypropylene, leather, aluminium
185 x 125 x 7 cm
DANI MARTI to feature in Radical Textiles exhibition at AGSA
Dani Marti, ‘Troughman (the yellow peril)’, 2006, polypropylene, nylon and wood frame on castor wheels, 180 x 180 x 180 cm.
Dani Marti will be showing ’Troughman (yellow peril)' (2005) at Art Gallery of South Australia for the much anticipated Radical Textiles exhibition, opening this Saturday.
From William Morris to Sonia Delaunay, Radical Textiles celebrates the cutting-edge innovations, enduring traditions and bodies of shared knowledge that have been folded into fabric and cloth over the past 150 years.
📅 23 November 2024 – 30 March 2025
📍 Art Gallery of South Australia
DANI MARTI featured in Duty of Care exhibition at IMA Brisbane
Dani Marti's powerful work 'Notes for Bob' (2013) is featured in in the upcoming exhibition Duty of Care. Split across the Institute of Modern Art and the Griffith University Art Museum in Brisbane, this exhibition has been curated by Stephanie Berlangieri, Angela Goddard, and Robert Leonard.
"In curatorial practice—and in culture more broadly—‘care’ has become a buzzword, and is being used to reset policy and practice. However, too often, the complexity and troublesomeness of care are smoothed over by liberal good intentions."
📅 29 June–22 September 2024
📍Institute of Modern Art + Griffith University Art Museum
DANI MARTI in 'HIV Science as Art' at Metro Arts
Dani Marti is featureed in HIV Science as Art from 24 July through to 5 August 2023 at Metro Arts in Brisbane, Australia.
HIV Science as Art is an exhibit that highlights some of the world’s best HIV science through art in conjunction with the 12th International Conference on HIV Science. This exhibition bringis the scientific advancements in HIV to life through the work of twelve artists living with HIV from around the world. Proudly presented by IAS and NAPWHA, proceeds from the sale of artwork will go to HIV programs and services in the Asia/Pacific region.
DANI MARTI in 'Vision Splendid: Highlights from the University of Wollongong Art Collection'
DANI MARTI's moving video work 'Butterflyman' is currently in 'Vision Splendid: Highlights from the University of Wollongong Art Collection' at Hazelhurst Arts Centre.
The exhibition represents the strength of The University of Wollongong's collection, with a showcase of over 100 works by leading Australian artists. The exhibition continues until 18 June.
DANI MARTI 'Orifices' Features in 'Inside/Out' at The Night Galleries
DANI MARTI'S 'Orifices' features in the exhibition 'Inside/Out' at the Night Galleries in Kuwumi Place, Newcastle, to celebrate Sydney WorldPride.
Newcastle Art Gallery has partnered with curator Jasmine Fletcher (@flowersandrice), founder of local community organisation Queer and Now, to develop 'Inside/Out', an exhibition that brings together works by local artists with those from the Gallery's collection.
'Inside/Out' speaks to the dichotomy of invisible and visible queer experience. The exhibition celebrates the central role of art in rendering visible the full spectrum of queer experience.
The exhibition opens tonight, 5-8pm.
Dani Marti, 'Orifices', 2000-2005.
DANI MARTI features in the exhibition 'Life, Still' at Maitland Regional Art Gallery
For many artists, capturing a point in time is a compelling endeavour.
This exhibition brings together works of art from the Maitland Regional Art Gallery Collection that land us in the beauty, stillness and rapture of the present moment.
DANI MARTI, Dust ( between White and Grey), 2020.
The cooled and hardened outer layer of planet Earth, the crust, is anywhere between 5 and 70 kilometres thick. The topsoil that sustains human life can be measured in centimetres. The edge holds everything. We look up to the stars, out to the ocean, into the core, and these things provoke awe and wonder in us.
In this exhibition ARC ONE presents three artists intimate with the mysteries of the sphere and its limit, the edge.
Featuring the work of DANI MARTI, JANET LAURENCE and, for the first time at ARC ONE, DESMOND LAZARO
Exhibition open until 8 October.
From today will be showing a selection of major artworks from some of Australia's most significant contemporary practitioners, including PAT BRASSINGTON, LYNDELL BROWN / CHARLES GREEN, PETER DAVERINGTON, MURRAY FREDERICKS, JANET LAURENCE, HONEY LONG & PRUE STENT, DANI MARTI, JULIE RRAP, IMANTS TILLERS, GUAN WEI, CATHERINE WOO, and JOHN YOUNG. We are also proud to be presenting, for the first time, the work of internationally acclaimed artist DESMOND LAZARO.
Our booth is showcasing brand new artworks, alongside some of the most iconic works from ARC ONE Gallery, in celebration of these artists and their significant contribution to contemporary art in this country.
DANI MARTI features in upcoming exhibition 52 ACTIONS
DANI MARTI features in the upcoming exhibition '52 ACTIONS' with his series 'Visual diary part 1 - 3' opening at Penrith Regional Gallery today!
Curated by Artspace and premiering at Penrith Regional Gallery, 52 ACTIONS commences its national tour on Saturday 27 August.
IMAGES: Courtesy of the artist.
Press for DANI MARTI 's exhibition 'Oh Canola!'
Fabulous press for DANI MARTI’S latest exhibition ‘Oh Canola!’ at Maitland Regional Art Gallery, which was mentioned in the Newcastle Herald.
The main gallery space at Maitland Regional Art Gallery has one big, long wall and Dani Marti has created one work to fill it. It's all yellow, and stretches more than 11 metres. Made of several panels, installed by Marti to flow seamlessly, the wall sculpture titled Oh Canola! is made of almost 10,000 circular reflectors, the kind used along roads, but customised in yellow.
DANI MARTI's exhibition 'Oh Canola!' opens at MAITLAND REGIONAL GALLERY
Dani Marti, installation image of Oh Canola! at Maitland Regional Art Gallery.
DANI MARTI's exhibition 'Oh Canola!’ is now open for visitors at Maitland Regional Art Gallery.
Get close and personal with the gorgeous textures and enthralling forms in this major showcase of Marti's lush works.
5 March – 29 May 2022
Dani Marti's solo exhibition 'Oh Canola!' at Maitland Regional Art Gallery
Dani Marti, Oh Canola!, (detail) 2022, customised reflectors, aluminium, 280 × 1150 × 6cm.
Dani Marti will present a new body of works in his solo exhibition, 'Oh Canola!', at Maitland Regional Art Gallery from 5 March – 29 May 2022.
‘Oh Canola!’ showcases the work of Dani Marti in all its material and textural splendour. Catalan born Marti lives in the Hunter Valley working between Scotland, Spain and the Hunter. Marti surrenders to his materials transforming common industrial fixings (such as rope, nylon, reflectors) into dramatic and monumental forms to transform the gallery into an immersive, sensory experience.
For more info: https://mrag.org.au/exhibition/oh-canola/
DANI MARTI’s video work Time Is the Fire in Which We Burn and sculpture Time is the Fire (2010) are the subjects of an essay by Daniel Mudie Cunningham, published as part of MUMA’s new writing project: ‘Queer Readings of the Monash University Collection’.
‘Queer Readings of the Monash University Collection’ invites 20 LGBTIQ+ writers to make queer readings of artworks from the MUMA Collection, forming part of MUMA’s ongoing efforts to diversify writing on the Collection and launching alongside their 60th anniversary program in 2021.
Daniel Mudie Cunningham, curator, writer and Director of Programs at Carriageworks, Sydney, writes:
"Marti’s video practice borrows from the codes and questionable ethics of observational documentary. Naming the exchange established between artist and subject as Intimacy Porn foregrounds the arousal of sexual desire for a spectator of images trading in so-called reality. Watching Marti with John is like being at the end of their bed, positioned polyamorously as a viewer hanging on their every word like foreplay for an excised sex act.”
Image 1: Dani Marti, 'Time Is the Fire in Which We Burn’ [still], 2009, video, colour, sound; 1 hour 8 minutes 4 seconds; Image 2: Dani Marti, 'Time Is the Fire’, 2010, stainless steel, galvanised iron and copper scourers and galvanised fencing, 220 x 200 cm
DANI MARTI is currently showing in in the exhibition FARBMATERIAL at the Galerie Lausberg in Dusseldorf.
This body of work, ‘Songs of Surrender’, was made in Barcelona in 2019, where Dani had these beautifully designed ropes custom-made. He uses the lines of rope to create pictorial and sculptural surfaces strung over powder coated aluminium frames, bringing the works into an “object dimension”.
FARBMATERIAL (Colour Material) will continue until 21 March.
You can watch Dani introduce the work here.
Join DANI MARTI in conversation with director & curator of UNSW Galleries José Da Silva this afternoon at 5:30pm. Dani will discuss his video and painting practice, in particular his work in the exhibition Friendship as a way of life.
This event will be live-streamed - register your attendance here!
Dani Marti, Notes for Bob, 2012-16, installation view at UNSW Galleries, 2020. Photo by Zan Wimberley
Friendship as a way of life at UNSW Galleries has reopened. This major exhibition celebrates LGBTQI+ partnerships, collaboration, visibility, sex, intimacy and knowledge. It features DANI MARTI’s major video installation ‘Notes for Bob’ (2012-16), as well as one of his wall sculptures.
Notes For Bob navigates issues of power and care in human relationships. The project has at its central subject a blind, gay man Marti met while on residency in New York with the Australia Council for the Arts in 2012, and it documents a number of exchanges between the pair.
Deprived of vision, Bob explains that for him “people are their voices” and his attractions focus on the individual pitch and tone of a voice. In Notes for Bob, Marti tenderly holds his subject and sings for him. As part of the extended project, Marti filmed and recorded 23 men singing. The artist gently encourages us to enter into Bob’s sensual universe and experience the fullness of an individual through their voice.
The curators of Friendship as a way of life have launched a series of digital initiatives including a virtual tour and an online series of live lectures, artist talks and performative actions that explore the themes of the show. It will run until 21 November.
Explore the online content here!
Images: Dani Marti, Notes for Bob, 2012-16, installation view at UNSW Galleries, 2020. Photos by Zan Wimberley.
Dani Marti, The Pleasure Chest, 2015, second hand necklaces and beads on powder coated aluminium frame, 255 x 170 x 12cm
DANI MARTI’s work is on display at UNSW Galleries in ‘Friendship as a Way of Life’ - a new exhibition exploring queer kinship and forms of being together. Presented across the entire gallery and online, this major project seeks to foreground the way LGBTQI+ communities create alternative networks of support through various creative and resourceful means.
Marti is showing two works: a two channel video work, Notes for Bob (2012-14), and a woven necklace wall sculpture The Pleasure Chest (2015). These are prime examples of the seemingly stark division between Marti’s work as a painter/weaver, and a film-maker whose subjects probe the sexual lives of others.
Morgan Falconer says of Marti’s oeuvre, “Marti’s painting-objects are metaphorical, his films are allegorical: both use one thing to describe another. Beads describe their wearer; tales of sex describe a life with or without love. Marti doesn’t pretend to offer up the whole, essential individual to our gaze. Indeed, his work insists on the fact that identity is not a stable essence that can be recognised and captured again and again; instead it is something performed, and it changes each time in the performance.”
Dani Marti, Dust (Stone), 2019
Congratulations to DANI MARTI, who is a finalist in the 2020 Alice Prize.
The Alice Prize is an acquisitive national contemporary art prize judged by an expert selection panel in Mparntwe/Alice Springs.
Dani’s work Dust (Stone) will be on show in the finalist exhibition at the Araluen Arts Centre.