MARIA FERNANDA CARDOSO's latest commission, Sandstone Pollen, will soon be unveiled at the new Darling Harbour precinct in 2016.

This major public artwork – a series of unique sandstone pollen sculptures – was inspired by the diversity of pollen microfossils that were found in Darling Harbour, and were later identified by palynionologist Mike Macphail. 

Her ‘pollen morphologies’, combining scientific research and beautiful, complex forms, will be placed under and near a variety of tall trees along the Boulevard Walk, invoking conversation about the story of evolution, of sexual reproduction and the generation of formal beauty.

In collaboration with two local stone masonries, each pollen grain will be 3-D modelled using the latest digital software, then carved in sandstone using a computerized milling robotic arm.

Cardoso’s works will synthesise thought about the story of place and life as it was and as it is at Darling Harbour and Cockle Bay.