Tomorrow Saturday 19 June at 2pm, JANET LAURENCE will speak at the National Art School exhibition John Olsen: Goya’s Dog.

Drawing on the central importance of critical dialogue, friendship and inspiration shared between fellow artists, the 'Artists x Artists’ talk series brings leading Australian artists into the NAS Gallery to talk about their interpretations, experiences and interactions with the work of Dr John Olsen AO OBE. 

John Olsen: Goya’s Dog is a powerful exploration of an extraordinary Australian artist – from his creative awakening in Spain, through the darkness that threatened to overwhelm him at times, and his ability to reach for the light, pursuing a long and acclaimed career.

Book a ticket >

Image 1: Janet Laurence photographed by Christopher Pearce; Image 2: John Olsen, Reflections on Goya’s dog III (detail), 2021, acrylic on Belgian linen