Robert Owen, Endings - Kodachrome 64, No. 00, 22/07/1992, 2009, archival print on 310gms Carsons BSK Reeves Paper, edition of 7, 104x72.5cm.

Robert Owen, Endings - Kodachrome 64, No. 00, 22/07/1992, 2009, archival print on 310gms Carsons BSK Reeves Paper, edition of 7, 104x72.5cm.

ROBERT OWEN and PETER DAVERINGTON has been selected to participate in the exhibition Perceptions of Space: Justin Collection at Glen Eira City Gallery. Owen will participate with an archival print, titled Endings - Kodachrome 64, and Daverington with a video work, titled Arcadia.

The Endings series comprises a series of colour photographic prints that are the result of an expansive collection of film stubs that Owen collected from 1968 to the mid 1990s. From these accidental end bits of film Owen has transformed chance images into what could be viewed as “apocalyptic landscapes” and refers to more than just the end of film. Marking the end of film itself and the beginning of the digital age, these film ends are notations in time, recording the residue of analogue image construction.

Robert Owen’s practice engages with a sensory investigation of nature, light, colours, time relations and situations in space that play between the physical and metaphysical.

Peter Daverington, Arcadia, 2012, HD single channel BluRay video (loop) 8:54 min.

Peter Daverington, Arcadia2012, HD single channel BluRay video (loop) 8:54 min.

Daverington's Statement

"Arcadia is an audio-visual meditation on a basic unit of perceptual reality, the Monad. In science, the Monad is often used to describe the primal unseen entity of creation, which has lead some people to describe it as the God particle. Arcadia begins as a single point in the nameless void from where a linear narrative develops suggesting that all things are intricately connected. As we follow a line that develops from a point in space to a complex hypercube we travel through the microcosmic labyrinth of quantum physics and out into the landscape.  The landscape here represents the sublime - a reference to the romantic portrayal of nature by the Hudson River School painters.
Arcadia is an attempt to fuse my oil paintings and music together in a single work. In this way I refer to it as a moving image painting. I am interested in finding a way for images and music to represent the experience of being in the world as an infinite cycle of duration and extension - a meditation on how the ‘One’ reflects the many and how a grain of sand can reflect the entire universe."

The exhibtion runs from 16 May - 15 June 2014.

Opening night: Thursday 15 May 2014 at 6:30pm.

For further information, click here