Honey Long & Prue Stent, Rock Form III, archival pigment print, edition of 5, 72 x 108cm.

Honey Long & Prue Stent, Rock Form III, archival pigment print, edition of 5, 72 x 108cm.

HONEY LONG & PRUE STENT are featured in issue 45 of Artist Profile, out today. 

The collaborative artists have written about their process: "As two friends who first started working together when we were sixteen years old, our artistic process sprung from a place of curiosity, impulse and desire. This sense of playfulness has become the foundational element with which we continue to work. Although precognitive at the time, we seemed to recognise a mutual desire to explore our female bodies, sexuality and surrounding natural environment as a way of feeling connected to the space we were occupying."

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