MARIA FERNANDA CARDOSO's Emu Wear series will be touring throughout Canada in 2010 to Glenbow Museum in Calgary; definitely superior gallery, Thunder Bay and Rodman Hall Art Centre, Saint Catherines Ontario between August 2010 and March 2011. Maria's two cloaks and video work will be included in Dead or Alive at the Museum of Arts and Design in New York from April until October 2010. There will also be an on-going tour of work in Arte No Es Vida: Actions by Artists of the Americas 1960-2000, Blaffer Gallery, University of Texas, Houston, Open Instituto Tomie Ohtake, Sao Paulo, Brazil. A solo show of Maria's new work will also be held in May 2010 - Organos Intromitentes at Galeria Casas Riegner, Bogota, Colombia.