ARC ONE is pleased to announce the launch of Dani Marti's first major monograph published by Hatje Cantz. The launch will be held at the Australian Centre for Photography in Sydney on Saturday December 15th, 2012.

Edited by Matt Price, the monograph contains texts by Morgan Falconer, Kirsten Lloyd, Colin Perry and an interview with the artist by Octavio Zaya.

'Dani Marti is one of Australia’s most exciting artists to have recently emerged to international acclaim, both charming and challenging audiences, curators, and critics alike with his unorthodox combination of hand-woven “canvases” and video documentary. Connecting the two media is the concept of portraiture or, as Marti suggests, its inability to get beneath the surface of family, friends, lovers, and strangers. These psychological, sociological, emotional, and often graphic physical depictions push ethical boundaries, raising difficult questions about relationships, gay encounters, intimacy, and trust while questioning the role of the artist, the power of the video camera, and the cultural politics of the viewer. With his woven works, Marti’s questioning turns to wider notions of portraiture and sexuality in Modernism, Minimalism, and geometric abstraction.' - Matt Price.

This publication is avaliable at ARC ONE Gallery: please email us to place your order:
mail@arc1gallery.com or phone 03 9650 0589.

Marti's monograph will be officially launched by Simon Mordant AM, Chairman of the Museum of Contemporary Art Australia and Australian Commissioner for 2013 Venice Biennale.

Saturday 15 December, 2pm
Australian Centre for Photography
257 Oxford Street, Paddington.