MURRAY FREDERICKS’ striking cube in the outdoor gallery at ANU looks great from every angle! These impressive steel cubes are a new permanent fixture on University Avenue in Canberra, providing a year-round, free and public ‘walk of art’.

Four of Murray’s photos are displayed on this cube in the inaugural exhibition ‘Where I Stand’ - a stirring collection of photographs from six iconic Australian photographers. The installations can be taken singularly, or read end to end, with themes such as rejuvenation and connection to country linking the works.

Where I Stand is produced by AMBUSH Gallery and curated in partnership with Head On Photo Fest, and will be showing at Exhibition Avenue, Kambri at ANU until 31 October.

If you’re unable to get there in person, you can now enjoy the works in a 4-minute online video that guides viewers through the outdoor exhibition. Watch it here!

Images: Install photography of Where I Stand by Martin Ollman