MARIA FERNANDA CARDOSO will be part of the exhibition Persona - Strangely Human, curated by Emmanuel Grimaud and Anne-Christine Taylor-Descola, at the Musée du Quai Branly in Paris, France. The show, which explores the unusual and intimate relationships between humans and objects, will feature The Cardoso Flea Circus.

Persona - Strangely Human will be on view as of 26 January and will run until 13 November 2016.

Maria Fernanda Cardoso, Cardoso Flea Circus, 1996. Acrylic and oil on cotton canvas, pigment on nylon taf feta, various fabrics, steel, brass, video, various props, and fleas, 294 x 243cm.

Maria Fernanda Cardoso, Cardoso Flea Circus, 1996. Acrylic and oil on cotton canvas, pigment on nylon taf feta, various fabrics, steel, brass, video, various props, and fleas, 294 x 243cm.