Works from MARIA FERNANDA CARDOSO's series 'It's Not Size That Matters, It Is Shape' have been included in the exhibition 'Digital Animalities: Rendering' at CONTACT Gallery in Toronto, Canada. The exhibition explores human animal interactions, with a focus on the evolving space of animality in contemporary digital culture.

The exhibition is now open and continues until 15 December.

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Maria Fernanda Cardoso, Intromitent organ of the Thelbunus mirabilis (Tasmanian harvestman) Opiliones from the series It’s not size that matters, it is shape, 2008-09, resin, glass, metal, 28 x 6 x 6cm.

Maria Fernanda Cardoso, Intromitent organ of the Thelbunus mirabilis (Tasmanian harvestman) Opiliones from the series It’s not size that matters, it is shape, 2008-09, resin, glass, metal, 28 x 6 x 6cm.