IMANTS TILLERS' work Kangaroo Blank, has been acquired by the Tate and the Museum of Contemporary Art, as part of a joint acquisition program that aims to bring Australian art into the international spotlight.

The work was originally commissioned for the bicentennial exhibition, Creating Australia: 200 years of art 1788-1988 and according to the Sydney Morning Herald is a 'post-modern commentary on the way Australian has been misrepresented down the ages'. 

Using his signature canvas boards, Tillers employs appropriation and textual references to create highly personal and thought provoking paintings that explore themes relevant to contemporary Australian culture. 


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Imants Tillers, Kangaroo Blank, 1988, oilstick, gouache, oil and synthetic polymer paint on 78 canvas boards.  

Imants Tillers, Kangaroo Blank, 1988, oilstick, gouache, oil and synthetic polymer paint on 78 canvas boards.