CYRUS TANG & JOHN YOUNG Feature in 'Assembly' at ANU

Opening tonight! 🥂 CYRUS TANG and JOHN YOUNG are part of a must-see group exhibition called 'Assembly' at The Australian Centre on China in the World (CIW) at ANU from 5:30–7:15pm.

Curated by Dr Olivier Krischer, 'Assembly' brings together eight Hong Kong-born artists from different generations of the diaspora. Amid the current wave of migration, this exhibition explores the act of ‘making sense’ of layers and fragments, of memories and stories, told or untold. 'Assembly' embraces the resonance and dissonance between the diverse creative practices of these artists, questioning readymade notions of diasporic identity.

IMAGE: Cyrus Tang, In memory’s eye, we travel…, 2016, 3 channel HD video, 8.38 min loop