Shepparton Art Museum's summer exhibition, Cover Versions: Mimicry and Resistance, explored ideas around mimicry and impersonation, re-performance or reiteration—expanding on the notion of the cover version and its subversive potential within the digital age. 

The exhibition included video works from MARIA FERNANDA CARDOSO, and received the following press coverage: 


Memo Review

ArtGuide Australia

Un. Projects




Image: Maria Fernanda Cardoso, Leaves / Hojas, installation view, 2017, courtesy Shepparton Art Museum as part of Cover Versions: Mimicry and Resistance. Image: Serana Hunt.

Image: Maria Fernanda Cardoso, Leaves / Hojas, installation view, 2017, courtesy Shepparton Art Museum as part of Cover Versions: Mimicry and Resistance. Image: Serana Hunt.