SUE FORD's work is curated into A Different Temporality: Aspects of Australian Feminist Art Practice 1975-1985, curated by Dr Kyla McFarlane, at the Museum of Art, Monash University.

'Spanning a decade within two decades, a significant time for feminist art practice in Australia, A different Temporality presents feminist approaches to temporality in the visual arts.  

Rather than an encyclopaedic summation of feminist practice at that time, selected works reflect specific debates and modes of practice: the dematerialisation of the art object, the role of film theory, and the adoption of diaristic and durational modes of practice, including performance, photography and film.  

This durational emphasis brings together feminist approaches to history and experience, as well as conceptual investigations of cinematic time and montage, ephemerality and event, repetition and flow - forms and ideas which continue to resonate in the present.'   

Opening Saturday, 15 October, 3-5pm. Exhibition opens 14 October and continues until 17 December, 2011

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