VANILA NETTO has been commissioned by ART & AUSTRALIA to collaborate with Sydney fashion designers, Romance Was Born to create a text-based art and fashion project for the June issue.  

For more information see the June issue of ART & AUSTRALIA, or click here.



The seminar will take place at the National Art School, Forbes Street, Darlinghurst, Sydney, Sunday, 15 May, 11am, for $95.

This is part of HEAD ON SEMINAR, a series of presentations, workshops, ideas and networking by Australian and international photographers, photo-journalists, editors and producers. 

For further information please see the link.


ROBBIE ROWLANDS has been featured in a number of online magazines and forums, most notably BOOOOOOOM, where reaction to his work has been extremely positive. Read it here.

JOURNAL DU DESIGN, an online French design journal has also taken note of ROBBIE ROWLANDS' recent work.  This art and design review for April focused specifically on the conceptual and formal aspects of ROBBIE'S work. Read it here.

ROBBIE ROWLANDS has a group show opening at The Library Art Space, an artist run initiative. The show, entitled Google me this, is a series of self portraits by artists based on the results of a google search of their name.  This show opens Wednesday 11 May. More information

ROBBIE ROWLANDS has been selected as a candidate for the City of Hobart Art Prize for 2011.  Winners of this award will be announced Friday 22 July 2011, followed by an exhibition of the works from 23 July to 18 September 2011.


PETER DAVERINGTON, ROBBIE ROWLANDS and SAM SHMITH have been included in Australian Scholarly Publishing's latest publication, New Romantics, a lavishly illustrated survey of contemporary Australian Romanticism (2000-2010).  

Curator of Gippsland Art Gallery, Simon Gregg presents this book in conjunction with the exhibition New Romantics at the Gippsland Art Gallery, Sale.

More information can be found by emailing


Congratulations to GUAN WEI and ANNE ZAHALKA  who have both had works purchased by the Banyule City Council.  To celebrate the new acquisitions, Banyule City Council is coordinating an exhibition titled 21 New at Banyule Arts Space, Ivanhoe.

21 New opens Wednesday 20 April.  For further information, please click here.


GUAN WEI and ANNE ZAHALKA will be exhibiting in Twelve Degrees of Latitude at Cairns Regional Gallery, Queensland.  Exhibition ope ns 15th April and continues until 12 June.  

For more information please click here.


ROBBIE ROWLANDS will be speaking this Thursday, 14 April from 6.30-8.30pm in a panel on New Directions - Public Art in the 21st Century.  This panel discussion will look at how the nature of public art is changing under the influence of new technologies, changing interpretations of what constitutes 'public art,' and new artistic approaches to placing work in the public domain.  

The Substation|1 Market Street| Newport

To book please contact


JASON WING has been part of an exhibition REAL ESTATE: MINI GRAFF AND JASON WING in association with Cross Arts of Kings Cross, Sydney, an exhibition exploring the politics involved with public spaces. 

JASON WING will be exhibiting with Tandanya National Aboriginal Cultural Institute in September 2011. Tadanya is a cultural centre delivering an insight into Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander arts, culture, history and heritage, more information on the centre can be found on the following website.


A major exhibition of Sue Ford's work will open on the 7 April and continue until 19 June at the Monash Gallery of Art.  Time Machine: Sue Ford will be exhibiting works from her Time series (1960s-70s), one of the key moments in late modernist Australian photography.

'Ford passed away late last year. Before her death, she was working with MGA on an exhibition of her work which would include photographs of women from 1960s-70s and her Time series. The highlight of the exhibition is Ford's as yet unexhibited long-term project, Self-portrait with camera, an extraordinary series of 47 self-portraits taken between 1960 and 2006. Material will be drawn from Ford's archive, MGA's collection and the collection of the National Gallery of Australia." 

For more information, please click here.


JULIE RRAP and SAM SHMITH have been shortlisted for the Josephine Ulrick and Win Schubert Photography Award, 2011 at The Arts Centre, Gold Coast.  SAM SHMITH'S shortlisted work Untitled (In Spates 5) will feature in his upcoming exhibition at Arc One, In Spates.

JULIE RRAP'S shortlisted work was debuted at Arc One Gallery last year in the exhibition, Outerspace. The exhibition opens 9th April and continues until 22 May.

For more information please click here.


Congratulations to DANI MARTI who has just received a grant from Creative Scotland towards professional development.

DANI MARTI will also be exhibiting in Let the Healing Begin (5 March - 30 April) at the Institute of Modern Art, Brisbane.  

The idea that art makes us better people, that it heals our souls, is an anathema. In the art world, ‘art therapy’ is the butt of endless jokes. Nevertheless, contemporary art is riddled with therapeutic subtexts and strategies. Let the Healing Begin features works that address therapy. Some of the works endorse therapeutic imperatives, some satirise them, others are undecided. The line-up is a mix of local and international artists.
For more information please click here.

DANI MARTI will also be exhibiting at in Highly Strung Peter Potter Gallery, Haddington Scotland. Curated by Arabella Harvey, with Angus Mcphee and LIsa Bach.  

More information.


JULIA GORMAN is included in Colour Bizarre: Nine Contemporary Works at the Heide Museum of Modern Art, Bulleen, Victoria. 

This exhibition brings together nine paintings and sculptures by contemporary artists to create a colourful, eclectic and texturally diverse display. The idea of the bazaar is loosely invoked to suggest a place of richness and variety, where visual ideas are exchanged.  

12 February - 19 June, 2011 


Dead or Alive: Nature Becomes Art which featured the work of MARIA FERNANDA CARDOSO (April 27 - October 24, 2010) at the MUSEUM OF ARTS AND DESIGN, NEW YORK has won the International Art Critics Association award. Curated by David McFadden.  The exhibition featured two of MARIA'S feather cloaks and the Emu Wear Video in collaboration with Ross Rudesch Harley.

MARIA FERNANDA CARDOSO is also exhibiting at the Fremantle Arts Centre in Western Australia. The exhibition is titled Masters of Disguise and is an exhibition of video and photography that continues the observations of nature (29 January - 20 March, 2011).


PAT BRASSINGTON will be included in Silent Feathers, a group exhibition at Maroondah Art Gallery from 28 January to 5 March. The exhibition is centred around artists who employ representations of birds in contemporary art.  

For more information please click here.


DANI MARTI will feature in the next issue of ART & AUSTRALIA (Autumn), with an article on his video portraiture, written by Craig Judd.  

A monograph of Dani Marti work will be launched in Spring 2012. The publication with Hatje Cantz, monograph, to be launched in Spring 2012. The three works which currently feature in Art of the Ordinary at Arc One will appear in the publication.  

Curated by Robert Lennard, Dani will be exhibiting at the IMA (Brisbane) in a show opening 5 March and continuing until 30 April titled Let the Healing Begin.


JULIE RRAP will be speaking at the National Gallery of Victoria (Ian Potter), Melbourne on Feb 19th at 1.30-4.30pm in a Symposium: The Naked Face - Art, Emotion and Identity.

What can self-portraits tell us about the human mind, body and identity? One of the liveliest current debates concerns the nature of human consciousness. How do we acquire and maintain individual identity? How is art subject to memory, emotion, historical and cultural circumstance? Does art expand the mind and can our neurological structures change?

Clemenger BBDO Auditorium, NGV International

JULIE RRAP is exhibiting three major works (from her Persona and Shadow, Soft Targets and Fleshstones series) in the National Gallery of Victoria's The Naked Face: Self Portraits.

The exhibition continues until 27 February, 2011. Entry is free to the exhibition. 

For further information and tickets to the symposium, please contact the NGV.


Tracy Sarroff is participating in a group exhibition thoughout December in the UK, titled
Crypt MasCrypt Mas is an alternative Christmas experience by torchlight, created inside an underground crypt, originally designed and used for coffin burials during the 19th century.  This subterranean, atmospheric venue with alcoves and arched ceilings will present a showcase of illuminated artworks including sculptural installations, projections and film from an array of selected artists.

The Crypt, St Pancras Church Euston Rd/ Duke's Rd, London, NW1 2BA
2nd December– 22nd December 2010
Open daily 11am-7pm


ROBBIE ROWLANDS is participating in the exhibition Will You Miss Me When I'm Gone? Bristol Building 1970-2010. The opening is on Wednesday 15th December at 4.30pm. Daily viewing hours - Thursday & Friday 11am - 3.30pm (December 16-17). Corner of Scotia Street & Oakover Rd, Preston. 

Robbie Rowlands have been assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Councils Arts Funding and Advisory Body for this project.


ADAM HILL has donated a major work for an online auction to help raise money for the Anti-Nuclear and Clean Energy campaign (Friends of the Earth, Melbourne).

The work is:
(A)US Forces give the nod
Synthetic Polymer on Australian made cotton canvas 
140 x 240cm

The auction closes on the 23 December, 2010.

For more information please click here.