Honey Long and Prue Stent open new solo exhibition in Rome, Italy

Grotto launches a solo exhibition from Honey Long and Prue Stent at GOMMA, Rome.

“In Grotto – explains the curator and gallerist Camilla Carè – Long and Stent bring a series of surreal snapshots that speak of mystery, letting us enter a synthetic cave of their imagination. The artists use their camouflaged bodies, allowing faceless apparitions to emerge from the female form. Sometimes statuesque, sometimes creators, the bodies in Grotto inhabit a timeless space. We have a history of appropriations behind us. Of lands, of bodies, of animal, vegetal and aquatic otherness. In the thirst for individual existence, these colonizers proceeded to categorize, designing a modern past under the banner of the supremacy of man and science over nature. To this day, there still remains a cultural weight on these bodies, which instead claim their belonging to an interdependent plurality. We flow, they seem to whisper. They are human, non-human and more-than-human beings, aquatic and shimmering and changeable forms, which draw new relationships between the organic and inorganic world.”