CHARLES GREEN / LYNDELL BROWN feature in 'Art in Conflict' at the Perc Tucker Regional Gallery


Lyndell Brown & Charles Green are featured in ART IN CONFLICT, which opens today at the Perc Tucker Regional Gallery, Townsville. These images are of last year's display at the Shepparton Art Museum. Be sure to catch this leg of the tour in Townsville!

This is a travelling exhibition organised by the Australian War Memorial. As curator Dr Anthea Gunn writes, "Contemporary artists’ responses to conflict bring to light untold stories, reveal neglected histories and deepen our understanding of Australia’s experience of conflict, both past and present."

Multiple works by Brown and Green are included in this display, highlighting their significant role as researchers in the Australian Research Council (ARC) Linkage Project that inspired the exhibition.

IMAGES: 'Art and Conflict' installation view, Perc Tucker Regional Gallery, Townsville, 2023. Courtesy of the Australian War Memorial. Slide two shows a collaborative work with @joncattapan