Julie Rrap in her Sydney studio. Photo: Jacquie Manning.

Julie Rrap in her Sydney studio. Photo: Jacquie Manning.

JULIE RRAP is featured in the Collector's Dossier in the new issue of Art Collector Magazine, on sale now.

In the feature, Julie discusses her four decades of practice and her upcoming exhibition at ARC ONE, Twisted Logic. The show will feature ambiguous bronze elements, cast from her body, that could be read as either weapons or armour; exploring what Rrap describes as 'that quite slippery relationship between art, culture, and any particular political regime or system that happens to be in power.'

ARC ONE co-director, Fran Clark, who has worked with Rrap since 1999, recalls seeing her work for the first time: 'I was immediately struck by this artist's unique creativity; an artist of intelligence producing strong and iconic art with an excellent grip on that ever-elusive quality, humour.'

Twisted Logic shows at ARC ONE from 3 September - 5 October.

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