
Dr Charles Green, Associate Professor of  Contemporary Art at the University of Melbourne will be presenting The Mayne Centre Lecture 2011 on the topic of Biennalisation.

Since the late 1980s the art world has seen a huge proliferation in the exhibition of contemporary art.  Art production has predominantly focused around spectacular and expensive forms of art, with a correlating demand that venues are able to accommodate the scale and public prominence required by such works.  In this lecture, Green will discuss the ways in which Biennales, Triennals and Documentas have met these demands by offering newcomers to the global scene a stage on which to participate in the contemporary art industry, while enabling a dramatically expanded audience the chance to see recent art.  

Through his extensive research into the emergence and expansion of Biennales and mega-exhibitions, Green is well qualified to be presenting such a lecture, and the presentation will, no doubt, be of an exceptional standard.

The University of Queensland Art Museum
Wednesday 12 October, 6pm.

Bookings essential.

For more information click here.


DANI MARTI will be exhibiting his work at the Newcastle Art Gallery from 17 September – 13 November, 2011.

"The notion of portraiture gets redefined in TOUCH The portraiture of Dani Marti, the first major survey of artist Dani Marti - to be opened by Louise Doyle, Director of the National Portrait Gallery at Newcastle Art Gallery.

Marti’s work explores the idea of the ‘impossibility of portraiture’. Can a portrait ever really capture the truth about a person?  Marti attempts to investigate this question through multiple means: video and large scale woven wall panels and sculptural pieces, each technique an attempt to capture something meaningful and essential about the subject.

Marti’s practice is also driven by what he calls his “obsession of trying to get close to someone.” It is an obsession that sees Marti reaching out to family and friends to be subjects, as well as strangers who live outside the mainstream that he meets on the internet. These encounters provide the catalyst for Marti’s ‘portraiture’

In the Internet age, identity is easily masked. It is a way of communicating but not connecting, it is a way to feel part of a community and yet remain isolated. Marti’s works reach through these carefully constructed identities and the new dynamics of digital relationships.

The connections made in these meetings and videoed are always intimate and at times Marti uses his sexuality to get even closer to his subject. From the initial engagement, and with the subjects consent, the camera is always rolling, becoming a part of the relationship, absorbing everything that takes place within its field of view.

While video is an important aspect of his work, Marti is perhaps best known for his large scale sculptural weavings, which utilise traditional Spanish techniques and carefully selected materials – often rope, wire, beads, leather, latex – to build a portrait that is more a textural memory of the person. 

These very physical and vibrant works offer a counterpoint to the video portraits, and another dimension to how Marti can render his subject. His work is held in private and public collections in Australia and internationally, and has been included in significant art exhibitions around the world. This exhibition, the first survey of Marti’s work in Australia, includes two major from the Newcastle Art Gallery collection - and Looking for Felix 2000 and George 2001 and brings together nineteen video and weaving works from across Marti’s eleven year career."

Don't miss the opportunity to hear Dani Marti speak about his work on 14 October, 6pm.  

For more information click here.


ANNE ZAHALKA's work is currently on display at the Lake MacQuarie Art Gallery in (re) vision, curated by Meryl Ryan. The cultural past is acknowledged in this exhibition by contemporary Australian visual artists who reference traditional genres and techniques, often appropriating directly from earlier masters.  

The exhibition goes from 16 September until 23 October, 2011. 

More information


JULIE RRAP will be exhibiting recent video installations at the Lismore Regional Gallery, NSW from 10 September to 23 October in an exhibition titled, Off Balance.

JULIE RRAP will talk about her work before the opening of the exhibition on the 9th September at 5.30pm.  This will be a rare opportunity to hear directly from one of Australia's leading artists.  

For more information please click here.


ADAM HILL has been selected as a finalist in the Cricket Art Prize, 2011.  The winner will be announced on the opening night event, Thursday 6th October at the Members Pavilion, Sydney Cricket Ground.  

The exhibition tour will be approximately 5 months in duration, travelling from Sydney to Melbourne then residing in Bowral.

For more information, click here.


JASON WING talks to RADIO NATIONAL about his solo exhibition The Other Other, which is on at Tandanya in Adelaide.

Opening night: Friday 30 September, 2011 6 – 8 pm.

To be opened by Djon Mundine, OAM curator of contemporary Indigenous art.

Jason Wing will present an artist talk at 5pm on Friday 30 September.

To listen to the Jason Wing segment, please click here.


JACKY REDGATE wins $25,000 Bowness Photography Prize

Sydney photographer Jacky Redgate has won Australia’s most prestigious photography prize, the $25 000 William and Winifred Bowness Photography Prize. 

Redgate’s winning photograph Light Throw (Mirrors) #4, 2010-2011 from the series Light throw (mirrors) is a beautiful, ambiguous picture. Redgate has described the photograph, a large still life arrangement created by throwing light from silver, bronze and grey mirrors onto brightly coloured modular plastic food containers from the 1960s and ‘70s, as “a cosmos or cosmology of objects”.

Judge and MGA Gallery Director Shaune Lakin said: “In the end the judging process came down to two photographs, both amazing pictures. We gave the $25 000 first prize to Jacky Redgate’s picture because it is virtually flawless as a photograph. At the same time the picture challenges many of the expectations we have about what a photograph is. It’s a highly ambitious photograph, and an extremely worthy winner of the country’s most significant photography prize.”


ARC ONE will be featuring the work of JUSTINE KHAMARA, ROBERT OWEN, CATHERINE WOO, VANILA NETTO, DANI MARTI, IMANTS TILLERS, PETER DAVERINGTON and JASON WING at the 2011 Korea International Art Fair.  The fair will go for four days from 22 - 26 September. ARC ONE will be at Stand No. A48.  

For more information click here.


DANI MARTI, JANET LAURENCE and ROBERT OWEN have all donated significant works to the Murdoch Childrens Research Institute.   

Arc One Gallery is proud to support Art for Science, a unique contemporary art auction held in support of the life saving research discoveries of the Murdoch Childrens Research Institute. 60 established and early career Australian contemporary artists - have donated significant artworks, to raise funds for research into conditions like allergies, diabetes, premature birth, genetic disorders and cancer. To find out more click here.

The exhibition will open on 11 October and the auction will occur on the 15 October at Nellie Castan Gallery. 


JANET LAURENCE will be exhibiting at the Glasshouse Regional Gallery from 11 August - 9 October.  This sculptural installation of delicate plants hot housed within a Gallery space heightens the short lived and transient elements of her art.

For more information click here.

Congratulations also to JANET LAURENCE for recently receiving an Australia Council Grant.


JACKY REDGATE has been selected for the 2011 William and Winifred Bowness Photography Prize at Monash Gallery of Art.  Thirty-seven images by some of Australia's best photographers are in the running for the $25,000 prize.  

The finalist's works were selected from approximately 2000 photographs submitted by 432 entrants.  

For more information, please click here.



A wonderful article on JASON WING has been written by Larissa Behrendt in the September Issue of Artlink.  

For more information please click here.

JASON WING will be exhibiting in Blending Boundaries at the Goulburn Regional Art Gallery, NSW.  The exhibits will run from September 1 - 1 October.

For more information please click here.


TRACY SARROFF has been shortlisted as a finalist for the Substation Contemporary Art Prize, Newport, Victoria.  The exhibition runs from 3 September - 25 September and the winner is announced on Friday 2 September 2011.  

For more information click here.


JUSTINE KHAMARA has been invited to exhibit with the IPSWICH ART GALLERY in a group exhibition entitled Face in the Crowd: New Portraiture. The exhibition (10 September until 13 November 2011) explores the concept of individuality within a globalized context. 

More information.


ANNE SCOTT-WILSON's work, exhibited at the Melbourne Art Centre in the exhibition Black Box <> White Cube, has been featured on the Behind Ballet blog of The Australian Ballet.

The exhibition explores the creative intersections between art and performance in contemporary Australian art.  Starting with performance art of the 1970s, this exhibition shows how music and dance, staged photography and film, theatricality and the spectacle of performance infuse vitality into contemporary Australian art.

The exhibition runs at the Arts Centre from 11 June - 25 September.


MURRAY FREDERICKS has been shortlisted for the 60TH Blake Prize with his work Hector 9. The exhibition runs from 16th September - 15 October and is held at the National Art School Gallery, Darlinghurst, Sydney. Announcements are made on September 15.

For more information click here.


Visitors of Adelaide will enjoy ROBERT OWEN'S new commission titled Snake in the Grass in collaboration with Taylor Cullity Lethlean, Landscapes Architects and commissioned by the Department for Transport, Energy and Infrastructure, S.A. 

Photo courtesy by John Gollings.


JASON WING was selected by Shen Shaomin for a three week international residency in Hesun County, Shanxi Province. Jason also participated in Heshun County International Art Festival, 2011, China, Where the West meets the East.  He will be exhibiting works from his residency in a solo exhibition next year at Arc One Gallery.



JULIE RRAP has been shortlisted for the Monash Gallery of Art 2011 Bowness Photography Prize with Outerspace No 7, 2010.  

Thirty-seven finalist's works were selected from approximately 2 000 photographs submitted by 432 entrants.  


For more information click here.